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Caffeine by Gene A. Spiller, Ph.D., D.Sc.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction to the Chemistry, Isolation, and Biosynthesis of Methylxanthines
Stanley M. Tarka, Jr. and W. Jeffrey Hurst
Chapter 2
Analytical Methods for Quantitation of Methylxanthines
W. Jeffrey Hurst, Robert A. Martin, Jr., and Stanley M. Tarka, Jr.
Chapter 3
Tea: The Plant and Its Manufacture; Chemistry and Consumption of the Beverage
Douglas A. Balentine, Matthew E. Harbowy, and Harold N. Graham
Chapter 4
Tea in China
David Lee Hoffman
Chapter 5
The Coffee Plant and Its Processing
Monica Alton Spiller
Chapter 6
The Chemical Components of Coffee
Monica Alton Spiller
Chapter 7
Methylxanthine Composition and Consumption Patterns of Cocoa and Chocolate Products
Joan L. Apgar and Stanley M. Tarka, Jr.
Chapter 8
Harold N. Graham
Chapter 9
Caffeine Consumption
Lisbet S. Lundsberg
Chapter 10
Basic Metabolism and Physiological Effects of the Methylxanthines
Gene A. Spiller
Chapter 11
Caffeine as an Ergogenic Aid
Roland J. Lamarine
Chapter 12
Caffeine: Effects on Psychological Functioning and Performance
Barry D. Smith and Kenneth Tola
Chapter 13
Coffee, Caffeine, and Serum Cholesterol
Christopher Gardner, Bonnie Bruce, and Gene A. Spiller
Chapter 14
Coffee, Tea, Cancer and Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Gene A. Spiller and Bonnie Bruce
Chapter 15
Caffeine, Calcium, and Bone Health
Bonnie Bruce and Gene A. Spiller
Chapter 16
Caffeine and Reproduction
Myron Winick
Appendix I
Caffeine Content of Some Cola Beverages
Gene A. Spiller

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