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Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 2nd edition - Solucionario
by Yunus Cengel

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Answers of
Chapter 1
Basics of Heat Transfer
Chapter 2
Heat Conduction Equation
Chapter 3
Steady Heat Conduction
Chapter 4
Trasient Heat Conduction
Chapter 5
Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
Chapter 6
Fundamentals of Convection
Chapter 7
External Forced Convection
Chapter 8
Internal Forced Convection
Chapter 9
Natural Convection
Chapter 10
Boiling and Condensation
Chapter 11
Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation
Chapter 12
Radiation Heat Transfer
Chapter 13
Heat Exchangers
Chapter 14
Mass Transfer
Chapter 15
Cooling of Electronic Equipment

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