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Fluid Mechanics and Machinery ♦ 2 Ed. Kothandaraman - Rudramoorthy

Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 1
Physical Properties of Fluids
Chapter 2
Pressure Distribution in Fluids
Chapter 3
Forces on Surfaces Immersed in Fluids
Chapter 4
Buoyancy Forces and Stability of Floating Bodies
Chapter 5
Fluid Flow—Basic Concepts—Hydrodynamics
Chapter 6
Bernoulli Equation and Applications
Chapter 7
Flow in Closed Conduits (Pipes)
Chapter 8
Dimensional Analysis
Chapter 9
Similitude and Model Testing
Chapter 10
Boundary Layer Theory and Flow Over Surfaces
Chapter 11
Flow Measurements
Chapter 12
Flow in Open Channels
Chapter 13
Dynamics of Fluid Flow
Chapter 14
Hydraulic Turbines
Chapter 15
Rotodynamic Pumps
Chapter 16
Reciprocating Pumps

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solution manual???

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