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Industrial Uses of Vegetable Oils Sevim Z. Erhan

Industrial Uses of Vegetable Oils

Tables of Contents
1. Genetic Modification of Seed Oils for Industrial Applications
Thomas A. McKeon
2. Current Developments of Biodegradable Grease
Atanu Adhvaryu, Brajendra K. Sharma, and Sevim Z. Erhan
3. Vegetable Oil-Based Engine Oils: Are They Practical?
Joseph M. Perez
4. Biodiesel: An Alternative Diesel Fuel from Vegetable Oils or Animal Fats
Gerhard Knothe and Robert O. Dunn
5. Biofuels for Home Heating Oils
Bernard Y. Tao
6. Vegetable Oils-Based Polyols
Andrew Guo and Zoran Petrovic
7. Development of Soy Composites by Direct Deposition
Zengshe S. Liu and Sevim Z. Erhan
8. Vegetable Oils in Paint and Coatings
Michael R. Van De Mark and Kathryn Sandefur
9. Printing Inks
Sevim Z. Erhan
10. Synthesis of Surfactants from Vegetable Oil Feedstocks
Ronald A. Holser

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