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Activated Exchanger Design & Rating EDR in Aspen HYSYS

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Learn how to save on Energy, CAPEX and OPEX by improving the fidelity of your process simulation flowsheets using rigorous heat exchanger models. Now it is easier than ever to generate rigorous heat exchanger models from Aspen HYSYS using the Activated Exchanger Design & Rating capability.


Continuously Variable Transmission Erik Mahieu
Wolfram Demostrations

This Demonstration models a toroidal continuously variable transmission (CVT). A toroidal CVT is made up of two disks on a central axle and a toroidal roller that transmits motion between them.

The disks are attached to two concave conical surfaces that enclose the torus. One disk (gray) is the input and the other (yellow) is the output. When the roller's axis is perpendicular to the axis of the disks, it contacts them at same-diameter locations and thus gives a 1:1 speed ratio.

You can move the roller up and down, contacting the disks at varying diameters and so changing the speed ratio through the range 1/4 to 4.