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HVAC Water Chillers and Cooling Towers Fundamentals, Application and Operation
by Herbert W. Stanford

HVAC Water Chillers and Cooling Towers

Table of Contents
Part 1 Fundamentals
1. Refrigeration Machines
2. Chiller Configurations
Part II Design and Application
3. Chilled Water System Elements
4. Chiller Controls
5. Thermal Storage
6. Special Chiller Considerations
Part III Operation and Maintenance
7. Chiller Operation and Maintenance
8. Buying a Chiller
Part IV Fundamentals
9. Cooling Tower Fundamentals
10. Cooling Tower Components
Part V Design and Application
11. Tower Configuration and Application
12. Cooling Tower Controls
13. Condenser Water Treatment
14. Special Tower Considerations
Part VI Operation and Maintenance
15. Cooling Tower Operation and Maintenance
16. Buying a Cooling Tower
17. In-Situ Tower Performance Testing
Appendix A. Design Ambient Wet Bulb Temperatures
Appendix B. Draft Specifications
Appendix C. References and Resources

2 comentarios:

srisang dijo...

What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!


Anónimo dijo...

Hello all,

HVAC water chillers and cooling towers provides fundamental principles and practical techniques for the design, application, purchase, operation and maintenance of water chillers and cooling towers. Thanks for sharing it........


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