17 junio, 2010

Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems by Ronald W. Crites, Joe Middlebrooks and Sherwood C. Reed

Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Natural Waste Treatment Systems: An Overview
Chapter 2
Planning, Feasibility Assessment, and Site Selection
Chapter 3
Basic Process Responses and Interactions
Chapter 4
Design of Wastewater Pond Systems
Chapter 5
Pond Modifications for Polishing Effluents
Chapter 6
Free Water Surface Constructed Wetlands
Chapter 7
Subsurface and Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
Chapter 8
Land Treatment Systems
Chapter 9
Sludge Management and Treatment
Chapter 10
On-Site Wastewater Systems
Appendix 1. Metric Conversion Factors (SI to U.S. Customary Units)
Appendix 2. Conversion Factors for Commonly Used Design Parameters
Appendix 3. Physical Properties of Water
Appendix 4. Dissolved Oxygen Solubility in Freshwater

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